Walk Against Homelessness 2022

3rd Annual Walk Against Homelessness 2022 Walk-A-Thon FlyerThe battle to end homelessness in our communities is becoming a household conversation.   Homelessness in Charlotte and throughout America is rising at an alarming rate.  In Charlotte there are over 20,000 adults and more than 5,000 children living on the streets or in shelters.

To Serve With Love Ministries, Inc. will host its 3rd Annual Walk Against Homelessness on Saturday, April 16, 2022 at Park Road Park in Charlotte, NC.   The TSWL Walk Against Homelessness is a family-friendly fundraising event aimed at promoting the awareness and elimination of homelessness in our community.

In a world where thousands of families have fallen into despair, poverty and utter hopelessness, To Serve with Love strives to breathe new life and return hope to those in need.  Through spiritual empowerment, support and training programs designed to lift and inspire, To Serve With Love promotes education, awareness and the collective goal to improve the lives of those seeking a brighter tomorrow.   The TSWL Walk Against Homelessness helps us accomplish all of this and more.

We need your help to continue making a difference! By supporting this year’s TSWL Walk Against Homelessness, your organization can help To Serve With Love save lives. Your contribution will not only help educate the community about homelessness, but it will also encourage people to embrace those in need in our community. Please find enclosed a form that outlines available sponsorship and participation opportunities.  Please review the enclosed options and select the level of involvement most appropriate for your organization.  We ask that you return the enclosed form indicating your level of support no later than March 31, 2022 to ensure that your company receives the appropriate recognition in event materials. Please know that 100% of your contributions go toward funding our programs. A representative from our organization will call you upon receipt of your contribution to thank you personally.

We hope you will join us for this fun-filled activity that promises to inform, involve, and inspire our community.  If you have any questions or need more details, please contact Teresa Johnson at (980) 263-4990.

Download and Complete Registration Forms:  Walk-A-Thon Info Packet

Make Payments for Registration and Sponsorships

Walk Registration – $25 Adults (18 and Older) 

Walk Registration – $10 Kids/Youth (6-17); FREE Kids (infants-5)

Walk Team Pledge

Sponsorship Opportunities